To submit a listing, contact our Referral Service Director, Betty Girardeau
Inclusion of information in Positions Available web listings does not imply endorsement by the AGO, its committees, or local chapters. The American Guild of Organists cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of the material provided for these listings.
Salaries listed in Positions Available do not necessarily represent current compensation expectations of either the national organization or the Richmond AGO chapter. Job seekers are encouraged to research the working conditions and employment history of musicians in a particular situation as part of their preparation for applying for a position.
Listings in this column appear for a maximum of 90 days and then are removed unless an extension is requested. When a listing is removed, therefore, it does not necessarily mean that the position has been filled.
2341 Winterfield Road
Midlothian, VA, 23113
Seeking a part-time Organist/Choir Director for two Sunday morning services (the early service is contemporary, the late one is traditional), and one weekly adult choir rehearsal. Special services on All Saints, Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve, and the Easter Vigil. Kenneth Jones four manual hybrid pipe-digitally sampled pipe works organ. First offered to play for weddings and funerals of church members. The choir consists of professional and volunteer singers. The successful candidate should have a degree in music, music education, sacred music or the equivalent with strong skills as an accompanist and performer on both organ and piano, as well as being skilled in improvising, have knowledge of the Anglican music tradition. Should be able to attend participate in weekly staff meetings. Annual salary $28,000nper annum, commensurate with experience. Four weeks paid vacation, book and music allowance, social security. Qualified applicants will be invited to an in-person interview that will include an instrumental audition with one prepared organ piece, one prepared piano piece, sight-reading, and leading a choir rehearsal. Interested candidates should contact The Rev. Mollie M. Roberts via email at or by phone at 804-379-8899.
May Memorial Baptist Church
3922 Old Buckingham Road
Powhatan, VA, 23139.
Seeking part-time Music Minister/Organist for one Sunday morning service and one weekly adult choir rehearsal. Special services Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday. Allen two manual organ. Annual salary starting at $15,000 with four weeks paid vacation, continuing education, book and music allowance, and sick leave. Interested candidates should contact the Rev. Michael Edwards via email or by calling the church at 804-598-3098.
Trinity United Methodist Church
903 Forest Avenue
Richmond VA, 23229.
Seeking part-time Modern Worship Director to coordinate and lead music and worship for the 9:00 AM Sunday service, including vocal performances and music from the Praise band, preferably as a vocalist and/or guitarist. Regular weekly rehearsals with the praise band. Ability to contribute to weekly staff meetings. Annual salary $25,000 to $30,000 per annum with 4 weeks paid vacation, sick leave, social security, and maternity leave as required. This position could be combined with the choral director position (see listing below) into a full-time position with annual combination between $55,000 to $60,000 for the right applicant. Interested candidates should contact The Rev. Brain Siegle via email at
Trinity United Methodist Church
903 Forest Avenue
Richmond VA, 23229.
Seeking part-time choral director for one weekly 11:00 AM Sunday morning service and a weekly choir rehearsal. The choral director works with the organist/accompanist, Pastor, and Worship Committee in planning as well as to oversee the handbells, youth/children’s choir in addition to the rehearsals with the adult choir, and in planning special music for special occasions. Ability to contribute to weekly staff meetings as well as an active participant of the Worship Committee and Administrative Council. Salary range $25,000 – $30,000 per annum with 4 weeks paid vacation, sick leave, social security, and maternity leave as required. This position could be combined with the choral director position (see listing above) into a full-time position with annual combination between $55,000 to $60,000 for the right applicant. Interested candidates should contact The Rev. Brain Siegle via email at
Bon Air Presbyterian Church
9201 Huguenot Road
Bon Air, Virginia, 23235.
Seeking two professional singers for soprano, tenor/baritone choir section leaders and for solo opportunities. Candidates should be thoroughly trained in the vocal arts, with exceptional sight-singing ability, flexibility in sound, and ability to work with a diverse ensemble. Mastery of differing musical styles is imperative. Candidates should have a degree or are actively seeking a degree in music with voice strongly preferred. Auditions will include an art song/aria of the applicant’s choice, sight singing of a hymn as well as an anthem that may be sung by the choir. These positions are engages from September through the end of May with Wednesday night rehearsals, reoccurring Sunday services at 8:30 and 11:00 AM, and other special services throughout the year including, but not limited to Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter and Christmas services. Compensation $75 per call with an estimated 2-3 calls per week.
Those interested in the position may fill out this google form to register for auditions, which will be held at BAPC on Sunday, July 28th at 3pm. Please send a copy of resume and statement of interest prior to the audition to Music Director Meredith Himmelman at
Ginter Park United Methodist Church
1010 West Laburnum Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227
Seeking part-time organist for one 11 AM Sunday morning traditional service. Choir rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings prior to the service. There is a small choir which includes two to four paid section leaders. Other services include Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve. The organist also records a hymn for the web page service. Moller three manual, twenty-nine rank pipe organ. Compensation $10,400. Two weeks paid vacation. We would like to fill this position in September. Interested candidates should indicate if they would also be interested in an expanded position to include directing the choir. Candidates should contact Horace Ford via email at: or by phone at 804-387-6021.
St. John’s Episcopal Church
12201 Richmond Street,
Chester, VA
St. John’s is seeking a tenor section leader/soloist for one traditional service and one rehearsal (currently on Wednesday nights) per week. The position begins on September 3 and pays $600 per month. Additional services may be scheduled for Advent, Christmas Eve, and Lent. Those interested should contact Aubrey Lindsey at or 804-389-9417.
The Brandermill Church
4500 Millridge Pkwy
Midlothian, VA 23112
Seeking a pianist to assist the Director of Music in leading worship. The Brandermill Church enjoys a wide variety of sacred music genres including traditional, classical, gospel, and modern. Duties include accompanying the choir on weekly rehearsals and worship services, hymn accompaniment, and providing service music. A degree in music and background in sacred music is preferred, but not required. The salary range is $13,000-$17,000 annually commensurate with qualifications and years of experience. Interest and resume may be sent to:
Farmville Presbyterian Church
Farmville, VA, 23901
Seeking a part-time combined Organist/Choir Director for one Sunday morning service and one adult weekly choir rehearsal. Stipend provided for up to four Longwood University music majors to sing with the choir during the 13 week semester. Special service as needed, especially for Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve, and the occasional funeral. Beckerath tracker with two manuals, 32 pedals, 21 ranks, and 16 stops. It was installed in 1968 and refurbished in 2008 by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders of Staunton, Virginia. There is also a baby grand piano in the sanctuary. The salary is $18,000/year, possibility of some travel allowance. Benefits are four weeks of vacation, two Sundays of sick leave, the church portion of social security. Persons with interest/questions may contact us via phone or email at: Farmville Presbyterian Church, 200 West Third Street, Farmville VA, 23901 ATTN: Dr. Peter Smith or via email to, by phone via cell at 434-294-2017 or the church at 434-392-4243. The church website can be found at, Worship video is available on YouTube and Facebook.