To submit a listing, contact our Referral Service Director, Betty Girardeau

Inclusion of information in Positions Available web listings does not imply endorsement by the AGO, its committees, or local chapters. The American Guild of Organists cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of the material provided for these listings.

Salaries listed in Positions Available do not necessarily represent current compensation expectations of either the national organization or the Richmond AGO chapter. Job seekers are encouraged to research the working conditions and employment history of musicians in a particular situation as part of their preparation for applying for a position.

Listings in this column appear for a maximum of 90 days and then are removed unless an extension is requested. When a listing is removed, therefore, it does not necessarily mean that the position has been filled.

Williamsburg Baptist Church
227 Richmond Road
Williamsburg, VA, 23185

 Seeking part-time organist/choir director for two Sunday morning worship services and Wednesday evening choir rehearsals.  Occasional special services including Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.  Interested candidates should have proficiency and experience in organ and choral conducting, proficiency in one or more music scoring/editing/transposition software programs such as Dorico. SmartScore and/or Musescore.  Candidates should also have experience in leading congregational singing and in choir and solo accompaniment.  Petty-Madden three manual pipe organ with a Steinway studio grand in the sanctuary.  Annual compensation $15,600 based on $30 per hour for an average 10 hour week, paid bi-monthly.  Two weeks paid annual leave.  Candidates should have a completed, recent background check to be eligible for hiring.  Interested individuals should contact Ellen Rolland, Music Coordinator via email at

Lutheran Church of Our Savior
9601 Hull Street Road
N. Chesterfield, Va, 23236.  

Seeking pianist for two Sunday morning services and on mid-week choir rehearsal per month. Special services Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Christmas Eve.  Compensation range $11,700 to $15,600 per annum with sick leave, book and music allowance and continuing education benefits.  Interested candidates should contact Pastor Rebecca Ayer Frantz via email at or by phone at the church 804-276-4271 or cell at 619-967-9330 or Susan Fish via email at or cell at 804-389-0731.

Huguenot Road Baptist Church
10525 Huguenot Road
Richmond VA, 23235.  

Seeking part-time INTERIM Director for Music and Worship for 1 Sunday morning service and 1 weekly adult choir rehearsal.   Special services for Christmas music and on Christmas Eve.  Works in conjunction with the senior pastor to discuss worship planning.   Candidate should preferably have a college degree in music and experience directing a choir.  The position is expected to last until a permanent pastor for Worship and Music is hired or up to one year.  Annual salary range is $26,000 to $30,000. A full position description may be viewed at Please send resumes to  Interested candidates should contact Charlie Poole via email at or by phone at 804-307-4746.